Term “Mirror hour” represents a superstition that the exact times or numbers we notice when we look at an analog or digital clock have some hidden meaning.
This website is dedicated to this superstition, and it should be noted that if we intentionally look at the clock to see a mirror hour, then such hours are not interpreted…
It is necessary to unintentionally look at the clock and see a mirror hour or some other variant of a mirror hour in order for this to have functional meaning.
Classification of Mirror Hours
Mirror hours are divided into:
- True mirror hours (valid for both digital and analog clocks); are in the format of repeating numbers. True mirror hours are: 01:01, 02:02, 03:03, 04:04, 05:05, 06:06, 07:07, 08:08, 09:09, 10:10, 11:11, 12:12, 13:13, 14:14, 15:15, 16:16, 17:17, 18:18, 19:19, 20:20, 21:21, 22:22, 23:23, 00:00
- Inverted mirror hours (valid for both digital and analog clocks if we notice them); are in the format of a mirror or inverse mirror hours. Reverted mirror hours are: 01:10, 02:20, 03:30, 04:40, 05:50, 10:01, 12:21, 13:31, 14:41, 15:51, 20:02, 21:12, 23:32
- Triple hours of love (valid for digital and analog clocks if we notice them); they are in the format of three same numbers appearing on the clock. Examples of triple hours of love are: 00:01, 00:02, 00:03, 00:04, 00:05, 00:06, 00:07, 00:08, 00:09, 01:00, 01:11, 02:00, 02:22, 03:00, 03:33, 04:00, 04:44, 05:00, 05:55, 10:00, 11:10, 11:12, 11:13, 11:14, 11:15, 11:16, 11:17, 11:18, 11:19, 12:22, 13:33, 14:44, 15:55, 20:00, 21:11, 22:20, 22:21, 22:23, 22:24, 22:25, 22:26, 22:27, 22:28, 22:29, and 23:33
- Overlapping hands on the clock (only applies to an analog clock, i.e., a clock with hands). These are simply the times when the clock hands overlap. Examples of these times are: 00:00, 01:05, 02:11, 03:17, 04:22, 05:27, 06:33, 07:38, 08:43, 09:49, 10:55, 12:00, 13:05, 14:11, 15:17, 16:22, 17:27, 18:33, 19:38, 20:43, 21:49, 22:55
As we have mentioned, mirror hours should not be interpreted if we deliberately look for mirror hours. It is necessary to randomly catch a mirror hour and then the meaning of these hours can and should be interpreted.
In addition to mirror hours, we have a section with angel numbers, destiny numbers, and the meaning of other numbers, as well as meaning of sneezing hours.
Interpretation of Mirror Hours
The interpretation of mirror hours depends on many factors such as date of birth, zodiac sign, gender, marital status (referring to whether you have a partner, not whether you are actually married), and age. It also depends on whether you saw the mirror hour awake or maybe you dreamed about it.
A mirror hour is not just a mirror hour… In certain cases, it becomes a business hour, a health hour, or even indicates finances, when we call it a financial hour.
On our website, you can check out each of these variants, but due to over-generalization, some of these interpretations will not be quite accurate.
History of Mirror Hour Interpretation
People have tracked time since ancient times. In these ancient times, the concept of an hour was invented, and they initially took dawn as the start of the day because that’s when most human activities began.
Hours were divided into 12 equal periods between day and night, which then brought a series of problems due to the different lengths of day and night at different geographical latitudes.
During the Middle Ages in Italy and Islamic countries, hours began to be counted from sunset, which had the advantage of always knowing how much daylight was left.
Astronomers at the time measured time from noon, as it was the only event that could be precisely determined and measured.
With the invention and spread of the mechanical clock and the enabling of measuring a fixed time period, time measurement was standardized, and the first clock started at midnight.
At that time, not much attention was paid to the meaning of hours nor were there any significant studies. People sensed some correlations but there was no uniform opinion on the problem.
Everything changes, however, when Carl Gustav Jung introduces the concept of synchronicity, which describes the connection between two meaningful, but seemingly unrelated events. Due to the nature of these events happening at the same moment, Jung named the concept synchronicity.
With the introduction of this concept, a craze for interpreting various coincidences begins, one of which is the interpretation of mirror hours. Namely, when you accidentally look at the clock and see the hands on the clock overlapping, that is an example of synchronicity.
Such events and their meaning were interpreted in many ways, from religion, through numerology, and science went the furthest in this by establishing the non-connection of these events and explained it with the theory of probability and the phenomenon of apophenia, that is, the tendency of the human mind to seek patterns and connections even in things that are not connected at all.
Despite scientific evidence that such things are not connected, people are still interested in this superstition and turn to astrology and numerology to explain these questions and confirm their beliefs and feelings.
How we came to the interpretation of mirror hour on this site…
As we mentioned in the “About us” section, we, the owners of this site, have long come across situations where we look at the clock and see a specific number…
We always wondered if this represented something, but the interpretations were superficial, short, and archaic. That’s why we decided to dig and explore this topic to the bottom, by hiring professionals to do it for us.
We did just that and created a team of people who are familiar with global numerology, i.e., numerology of various cultures, and enhanced that team with three astrologers. We literally made a virtual room and gave them the task to research possible meanings for all mirror hours and then share that “knowledge” freely with the world.
After 16 months of work, the first variant of hour meanings was released, which we published on this site. However, this version is not final, so we recommend that you visit our site from time to time and see additional changes and meanings for new mirror hours. We also have a Spanish version: https://www.horaespejo.org/ and Serbo-Croatian: https://www.ljubavnisati.org/.