07:38 – Secret Symbolism of Overlapped Clock Hands

Overlapped clock hands 07:38

When the clock hands indicate it’s 7, that is 19 hours and 38 minutes, this love hour, sadly, forecasts bad news when it comes to your emotional life.

It’s possible that doubts will endanger your relationship with your loved one. For professional life, finance, and health, it may have a completely different meaning.

If you intentionally looked at the clock, waiting for something or someone, the meaning of this love hour doesn’t count.

What does it mean to see overlapping clock hands at 07:38?

When we see the numbers 0, 7, 3, and 8 on the clock, that is, when the longer hand crosses over the shorter one, showing us that 38 minutes past 7, that is, 19 hours have passed, this can have several meanings. Therefore, we will break down this sequence to get as precise an interpretation as possible.

The number 7 symbolizes intelligence and wisdom, it describes hardworking people who function well in a team, but who like to have the final say. The number three points to creativity and the need to be the center of attention.

The number 8 in this constellation of forces symbolizes persistence, ambition, and success, while 0 always points to the end or the beginning, often both.

The conclusion is that the sequence of numbers 0, 7, 3, and 8 on the clock announces changes, stepping out of your comfort zone, success in professional life, as well as turbulence and potential disappointment in love.

07:38 – Love

You’ve probably noticed that the hands showing 38 minutes past 7, that is, 19 hours, are very close and almost overlap, representing a line. This is very important for interpreting this love hour and it can announce a disruption of balance in love relationships.

Something will disturb the harmony between you and your partner and you will have to make some radical decisions.

For married women

If a married woman sees 07:38 on the clock, it’s possible she doubts her partner’s sincerity and fidelity. You’ve probably noticed that he has been behaving differently lately.

He’s distanced himself from you and you’re no longer spending much time together. When you initiate a conversation about what’s bothering you, he becomes rigid, nervous, and even cruel.

All this leads you to think he’s hiding something from you, even possibly cheating. Only an honest conversation, without tensions and raised voices, can untangle this situation.

Don’t accuse him of anything, unless you have evidence. Let him tell you what’s on his mind, and only then make some conclusions.

Perhaps your suspicions are baseless and his behavior has nothing to do with another woman, but rather with a completely different problem.

For unmarried women

If an unmarried woman sees 38 minutes past 7 o’clock, it has a completely different meaning than that for a woman who is married or in a long relationship. Indeed, the love hour 07:38 means you will be loved.

Someone will manage to win you over with their charm, charisma, and similar interests. They will show a desire for you to love them and give you the attention you deserve. If you give them a chance, you will experience moments you’ve only dreamt of until now.

You must not let your inherent skepticism and fear of the unknown prevent you from finally feeling the happiness and joy you deserve.

For married men

If a married man sees 07:38 on the clock, it, unfortunately, symbolizes disappointment. You’ve probably idealized your wife for years and failed to see that she has many flaws. However, a specific situation will open your eyes, and you’ll realize she isn’t what you thought.

Here your paths will completely diverge, and it’s not excluded that she might hurt you if you find out she’s cheated on you. It’s important not to let this change your opinion towards other women, because, like men, they are not all the same.

For unmarried men

When an unmarried man sees that 38 minutes have passed since 7, that is, 19 o’clock, this implies that he likes a woman, but he hasn’t admitted it to her yet.

You may be thrilled with her charisma, intelligence, and physical appearance, however, you fear you stand no chance with her as she doesn’t show interest in you. Perhaps it’s not about that, she might just be shy.

You’ll never find out what it’s about unless you try to get close to her. The worst thing that can happen is her rejection.

07:38 – Business

If you see on the clock that it’s 7, that is, 19 hours and 38 minutes, this symbolizes ambition. You’re a very creative, hardworking, and persistent person.

You know what you want and how to achieve it. You don’t favor authorities and you like to have the final say. Sometimes you can be impatient and rigid towards colleagues and associates. You possess good organizational skills and a desire for success.

If you haven’t achieved what you set for yourself yet, don’t despair because it will surely happen at some point.

However, it’s very important not to burn bridges on the path to achieving your goals. You never know who will be of use to you and whose goodwill your success might depend on.

07:38 – Financial

When you see the numbers 0, 7, 3, 8 on the clock, or when the minute hand has crossed over the hour hand, it may indicate that you have not yet established financial stability.

Perhaps your effort, work, knowledge, and skills are not adequately rewarded. On the other hand, your attitude may not be well-received by those who determine your progression and salary level.

Ideally, you should be involved in private business. However, if that’s currently not possible, you need to adapt to the collective and function within it.

It’s good that you’re proactive, just try not to get into frequent and open confrontations with those who decide your earnings. If you can’t adapt, consider finding a new job.

07:38 – Health

If you see 38 minutes past 7 o’clock, or 19:38, it usually symbolizes nervousness. Stress, poor diet, lack of physical activity, and too many vices threaten your mental and physical health.

On the other hand, you are prone to mood swings, and even depression when things do not unfold as you imagined. You may expect too much from yourself, but you should know that such pressure may be more than your body can handle. Take care of this before it’s too late.

07:38 in numerology

The sequence of numbers 0, 7, 3, and 8 can mean many things. To provide a precise interpretation, we will break down the “love hour” into individual digits.

So, 0 always represents a closed circle, and sometimes a vicious circle you’ve found yourself in. You may not see a way out of a situation or feel constrained or trapped. Zero can also signify major changes, the beginning of a new phase in your life.

The number 7 describes intelligent, wise, and hardworking people who like to have the last word and thus have relationship problems. Three points to optimism and creativity and also an enormous need and desire for your loved one to listen to you without question.

Eight symbolizes ambitious, creative, strong, and successful people who often prioritize work over love, friends, and family. They are also not strangers to liking to command.

When these numbers combine, it may seem like a clash of extremes, but one thing is for sure, the desire for dominance is certainly present and can be a problem in personal relationships.

07:38 as an angel number

If you find yourself frequently seeing the sequence of numbers 0, 7, 3, and 8, both awake and in dreams, this is certainly your angel number.

The angels are telling you to beware of arrogance and to find a balance between dominating and being accepted by people. A person is not an island and can’t function alone.

You have the opportunity to achieve great things, and you should and must be proud of what you’ve achieved.

The things with which you are not satisfied will improve only if you are ready to change. You are not always right and you should sometimes admit that to yourself and others.

Love hour 07:38 in dreams

If you dream of the clock showing 7 o’clock, or 19:38, this can have various meanings, depending on the context of the dream and the accompanying details. The general meaning is disappointment in love and success in a career.

The dream announces a twist, a change that might not be pleasant, but you will have to reconcile with it and adjust to the new circumstances. Fortunately, you have someone to rely on, which is very important in turbulent times.

Additional significance of 07:38 on the clock

We have not found in the available sources that anything significant happened exactly at 7:38.