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11:12 Completely Explained Spiritual Symbolism

    11 hours and 12 minutes on the clock

    If you’ve recently been seeing 11:12, this triple hour is a sign on your digital clock or another electronic device that you need to leave the past behind. It’s possible that you’ve recently gone through a major crisis with your partner.

    You’ve managed to gather your strength, but you keep returning to it, and that’s why you won’t be able to progress for a long time. If you’re currently alone, this triple hour could be a sign that you haven’t gotten over your ex-partner, or that you can’t forgive someone else’s betrayal.

    When it comes to your professional life, 11:12 on the clock is an indicator that you shouldn’t take criticism too personally. They help you to advance, so strive to adopt them, rather than let them “hit” your pride.

    For finances, this specific hour may bring about some positive changes. Minor gains are possible.

    If you intentionally looked at the clock and saw 11:12, this triple hour does not count.

    What does it mean to see 11:12 on a clock?

    For the interpretation to be as precise as possible, we’ll break down 11:12 into individual numbers, and then we’ll devote ourselves to the analysis of the meaning of hours and minutes.

    You may know that 1 is a symbol of uniqueness, determination, and courage, but also aggressiveness, the need to impose an opinion, attitude, or decision on others.

    Number 2 describes the need for stability. This number symbolizes sensitivity, patience, and shyness, however, its flaw is bitterness and vengefulness.

    Many believe that we are quite productive in the 11th hour of the day, however, this depends on the individual. In this constellation of power, the 11th hour tells you to reconsider your attitudes and behavior, i.e., to stop tormenting yourself with unimportant questions and to look at the future from a brighter perspective.

    12 > minutes in the 11th hour in this context could be a sign that sometimes you should listen to what your logic and intuition tell you, less what your feelings say.

    Taking all this into account, we come to the conclusion that 11:12 time can have a positive meaning, but it depends entirely on you.

    11:12 – Love

    To see this time on a clock is a sign that you’re stuck in the past and that you think too little about the future because of it. You simply don’t give yourself the chance to progress, to be content and happy.

    This triple hour has a very similar meaning whether you are currently in a relationship or marriage or not.

    For married women

    When a married woman sees 11:12 on the clock, it could mean that her relationship with her partner was very bad for a while due to the problems they had. You were able to overcome them and stay together. However, the worm of doubt remains in you, and you can’t stop thinking about the past.

    You may think that this isn’t noticeable to others but believe that your loved one knows that you aren’t at peace, i.e., that you’re still going through this in your head. If you want to stay together in the future, you need to get rid of such thoughts.

    On the other hand, if you’re unsure if your relationship will ever be the same, stop tormenting both him and yourself. Break up and let everyone go their own way. In this way, you can’t expect to ever be happy again.

    For unmarried women

    If an unmarried woman sees 11:12 on the clock, this can have several meanings. One of them is that you still haven’t gotten over your ex-partner. You may still evoke memories that you created together and think about what your future would have been like if you had stayed together.

    There would be nothing wrong with this if you weren’t completely focused on it and allowing life to pass you by. You’re not giving anyone else a chance to get close to you, to become part of your everyday life, and to have new experiences and create new memories with them.

    The second meaning of this triple hour is that a friend has betrayed you and you can’t forgive him/her and move on.

    For married men

    If a married man sees 11:12 on the clock, it implies that he shouldn’t keep “sweeping under the rug” the problem he has with his partner in the hope that it will disappear on its own.

    Whatever the issue, it’s important to talk about it. Especially if it’s related to your past which prevents you from moving on.

    You might think she doesn’t see that something is bothering you. She’s aware of it, but she can’t force you to talk about it.

    You have to be ready for that step. After that conversation, it will be clearer whether you can or want to stay together or not.

    For unmarried men

    If an unmarried man sees 11:12 on the clock, it’s a sign that he may still be mourning his ex-partner.

    Perhaps you would reconcile with her if she gave you a chance. You’re aware some things won’t change, but you’re still nurturing false hope that such a thing is possible. Stop deceiving yourself and look to the future.

    If the past could be changed, your thoughts would make some sense, but this way it’s just a waste of time. Besides, it prevents you from seeing the opportunities you have in the present.

    The second meaning of this hour is that you can’t forgive a person who has disappointed you.

    11:12 – Business hour

    When it comes to your professional life, 11:12 on the clock means that you have a lot more to learn in order to achieve the success you dream of. That’s why it’s important for you not to take constructive criticism and suggestions as insults but as lessons.

    You have enormous potential and leadership abilities, however, you can’t get to a position where everyone listens to you and works overnight.

    You will have to go step by step, acquiring knowledge, experience, and skills to be as credible a colleague as possible, and later a leader.

    If you run your own business and have your employees, treat them as you would want others to treat you.

    11:12 – Financial hour

    From a financial perspective, this hour can predict a profit or extra income.

    It’s possible that your employer will raise your salary, and that you’ll receive a bonus, an inheritance, or a lottery win. Every penny will be useful, considering that for some time you have been unable to stabilize your finances.

    Make sure to use that money wisely, as later you may regret purchasing something that wasn’t necessary at all.

    11:12 – Health hour

    When you see 11:12 on the clock, it implies that you get very upset when people contradict you.

    You have a hard time with suggestions, especially criticisms. All this has a negative impact on your mental and physical health. It’s time to learn how to deal with negative emotions, i.e., channel them in the right way.

    It would certainly be easier for you if you could release that frustration through physical activity. You would preserve your health, and your old age would thank you for it

    11:12 in Numerology

    The sequence of numbers 1, 1, 1, 2 has very interesting meanings, especially because of the digits it consists of.

    Number 1 symbolizes determination, leadership, strength, and courage, while 2 describes feelings, shyness, and patience. As you can conclude yourself, 1 dominates in all of this, so perhaps reason should prevail in your life.

    From the aspect of numerology, the numbers 3, 5, and 6 are important within the hour, each having its own specific features.

    For example, the number 3 symbolizes optimism and creativity in the simplest terms. Number 5 is also attributed to these features, while 6 symbolizes modesty, responsibility, and empathy.

    If you think a little harder, you’ll see that 11:12 on the clock can actually bring some very positive changes to your life.

    It tells you that there are creative ways to solve the problems that trouble you and to remain optimistic to overcome certain crises more easily.

    11:12 as an angel number

    The angels are telling you through the sequence of numbers 1112 that you will be happy if you allow yourself to be.

    In fact, you often restrain yourself from achieving certain goals. You condemn your ideas to failure even before you try to achieve them. All of this negatively affects your life.

    Optimism is hidden within you, you just have to let it out. Smile even when it’s difficult, go for a walk even when you’re not in the mood, and socialize even when you might not be up for it. Life is one, make use of every second to enjoy it.

    If you have recently seen the numbers 1, 1, 1, 2 frequently as part of addresses, phone numbers, license plate numbers, prices, and similar, the angels are watching over you and will soon bring you joy and happiness. With their protection, you can achieve anything you imagine.

    Triple hour 11:12 in dreams

    If you dreamed that you looked at the clock and saw 11:12 on the clock, it means that it is not too late to correct the mistakes you made in the past. Only you can and must deal with this. This time, no one else can help you.

    We dream such dreams when we feel powerless, that is when something is not going well for us. If that’s the case for you right now, let your problem “lie down”, and you may come to a solution sooner.

    Additional significance of 11:12 on the clock

    Given that we have not found in the sources available to us that anything significant happened exactly at 11 o’clock and 12 minutes, we will focus on the events that marked the year 1112.

    During the year 1112, the Seljuk ruler Malik Shah attempted to conquer Anatolia but was prevented by the Byzantines.

    The same year, the Portuguese Count Henry died, and his three-year-old son Afonso I succeeded him. Polish Duke Bolesław II blinded his half-brother Zbigniew in the year 1112 and threw him into prison.