11:18 – Meaning and Symbolism

Clock showing 11:18

The triple hour 11:18 advises you to let your feelings guide you. It’s good that you often make rational decisions and strive for them to be grounded in logic and reason.

However, to make your life more meaningful and beautiful, you must allow emotions to surface. This is especially true for people who have been without an emotional partner for a long time.

If you’ve been frequently noticing 18 minutes past 11 on your digital clock, mobile phone, computer, or any other electronic device, it means that with ambition, motivation, and hard work, you could achieve greater professional success, which would, in turn, improve your finances.

From a health perspective, 11:18 on the clock heralds minor problems caused by stress and nervousness. It tells you to listen to what your body is saying.

What does it mean to see 11:18 on a clock?

Given that the number 1 in this hour repeats three times, it belongs to the category of triple number hours which have special symbolism and meaning. To get an accurate interpretation, we need to focus on each element that makes up this hour.

Number 1 is known to symbolize uniqueness, strength, courage, determination, leadership, and similar, however, it also has its ‘dark side’ which is poor control of negative emotions, anger, and rage.

Number 8 indicates ambition, creativity, and tolerance, but also symbolizes strength and desire for success. Its flaws are insensitivity, stubbornness, lack of patience, and arrogance.

The numbers 11 and 18 are also important for this triple mirror hour as they represent the hours and minutes. Thus, the 11th hour of the day symbolizes the desire and will to solve a problem, that is, to make concrete progress. The 18th minute of the 11th hour suggests that sometimes you should listen to what your emotions and intuition are telling you, especially when it comes to your private life.

Taking all this into account, we can conclude that 11:18 on the clock announces positive changes, and also that you should give your heart a chance to guide you.

11:18 – Love

If you have been frequently seeing 11:18 on the clock lately, it’s very important for your love life. This triple hour is a message that you shouldn’t close yourself off to people, but give them a chance to enrich your life.

For married women or men, it may convey the message that marriage isn’t just a partnership, but also an emotional bond, while for those who are single it suggests that sometimes they should surrender to their feelings.

For married women

When a married woman sees 11:18 the clock, it means she views her marriage as a business partnership. It’s possible that feelings towards the partner have faded and you are together because you function well in other aspects of your life. Ask yourself if you are ready for this to remain forever.

At some point, you may realize that you miss love, attention, and tenderness, even though you have someone by your side. Nothing needs to be forcibly changed, however, you need to think about your life or your shared life.

Such a lifestyle is completely acceptable if you are in your later years, but if not, why accept such a compromise to live with someone and call them a spouse, when you are more like roommates, colleagues, or partners sharing living space, child care, or other responsibilities…

For unmarried women

If an unmarried woman sees 11:18 on the clock, it implies that she should open up to people. You might be hindered by inherent skepticism, complexes, or bad experiences from the past, but you need to be aware that not all people are bad and give them a chance to show you. Being cautious is good for professional life, but not for friendships and emotional relationships.

You might fear the reactions of your environment if you were to start deviating from what they are used to from you. However, you need to live your life, not look back at what other people will say.

Give a chance to the man who is showing interest in you. The worst thing that could happen is that he hurts you, but you will never know if he will do it unless you try.

For married men

If a married man sees the exact time of 11:18, this implies that he consciously agrees to a marriage without love and tenderness. It’s possible that you once loved your wife as a woman, but today she is your partner, friend, or associate, not a person for whom you feel deep emotions and passion.

It’s time to reconsider your feelings, understand what you want and envision the future. If you believe you can rekindle the old passion in that relationship, or marriage, make an effort to do so. If, on the other hand, you think that such a thing cannot happen, separate.

You have started to neglect the importance of love, tenderness, and attention, and this certainly leads to an apathetic, meaningless, and even unhappy life.

For unmarried men

When an unmarried man sees 11:18 on the clock, it can be a sign that it’s time to stop moving from one insignificant relationship to another.

You are very attractive to the opposite sex, so you probably don’t lack a woman. You take every chance to enjoy their company, however, it never crosses your mind to commit to any of them.

You’ve convinced yourself that you don’t need love and that you can go on like this until the end of your life.

However, things aren’t as simple as you thought. At some point, you will feel lonely, even when surrounded by a crowd of people. Then you will realize that you need tenderness and attention, and you will start to look at life through different eyes.

11:18 – Business

A clock showing 11:18 means that you are a motivated and ambitious person. You are very hardworking and eager for success. You also possess good organizational skills, so it’s a real pity if you are not in a managerial position or do not have a private business.

This triple mirror hour heralds success. It means that you could make significant progress in the future, only if you continue to strive and work on yourself.

You must not allow yourself to be demotivated by the fact that some other people who may have less knowledge or skills are advancing faster than you. Your time will come, be sure of that.

If you’ve been thinking about starting a private business or expanding an existing one, now might be the right time for that.

11:18 – Finances

When you see 11:18 on the clock, it symbolizes gain or improvement of the financial situation. Money won’t come to you in the form of inheritance or as a lottery prize. As always, you will have to work hard to earn it.

Given that you are not an excessive fan of shopping, it is possible that you will invest in something that could bring even greater profit in the future.

11:18 – Health

If you have recently often seen 11:18 on the clock, it can indicate nervousness. There is something that worries you, because of which you often cannot eat or sleep. Once you resolve this, things will stabilize.

Until then, try to eat as healthy as possible and move more. Avoid excessive consumption of coffee, cigarettes, alcohol, or sedatives. There is a natural way to preserve your mental health!

The message of this triple hour is also not to try to change what is out of your reach, but to devote yourself to solving the problems that you can influence.

11:18 in numerology

From a numerology perspective, the sequence of numbers 1, 1, 1, 8 has a specific meaning. We have already mentioned that number 1 symbolizes strength, courage, persistence, decisiveness, and similar.

Number 8 is a sign of ambition, creativity, tolerance, strength, influence, power, etc. Number 11 symbolizes the will to change what bothers you, while 18 reminds us that man is woven from emotions.

For the numerological interpretation of triple hour 11:18, the numbers 2, 9, and 29 are also important. Number 2 describes sensitivity, shyness, and patience, but also resentment, bitterness, and vengefulness.

The virtues of number 9 are idealism, imagination, creativity, and generosity, while its flaws are fearfulness, insecurity, and similar.

When we take all this into account, we can conclude that you have all the predispositions to be successful, happy, and satisfied. You have to change some things about yourself, but also allow certain decisions to be the fruit of emotions, not just reason and logic.

11:18 as an angel number

If you’ve been frequently seeing the number sequence 1118 recently in various numerical contexts, such as addresses, prices, and the like, angels are giving you the strength to persevere in what you have set for yourself.

It is very important to have a clear goal, and it will help you achieve it.

Do not doubt yourself, your abilities, skills, and even your beauty and attractiveness. You have enormous potential, share it with the world, i.e., show who you are and what you are without fear of judgment or retribution.

Triple hour 11:18 in dreams

If you dreamed that you looked at the clock and saw 11:18, it implies that you are afraid that the words you have spoken will ruin your relationship with a close person, a friend.

Perhaps you didn’t think carefully about what you were saying, and you offended him/her. However, if you show that you didn’t intend to do that, probably this incident will not harm your relationship in the future.

Additional significance of 11:18 on the clock

Considering that we were unable to find any information that something very significant happened exactly at 11:18, we will briefly describe what marked the year 1118.

That year, the Byzantine Emperor Alexios Komnenos died after a successful reign of 37 years. In the same year, 1118, peace was negotiated between England and Flanders. A revolt broke out against Henry I of England in Normandy.

Pope Gelasius II succeeded Pope Paschal II in the year 1118 and so on.