12:21 Reversed Mirror Hour and its Meaning

12 and 21 on a digital clock

If you’ve seen 12:21 on a digital clock, mobile phone display, or computer screen, this reversed mirror hour suggests that you should answer the question for yourself: ‘Why have you renounced love?’

This does not only apply to people who have been alone for a long time but also to those who are in longer relationships, i.e., marriage.

From a financial and work perspective, 12:21 on the clock is a sign that you need to fight more for yourself. You have great potential, and you work a lot, but this is almost unnoticeable in your bank account.

What does seeing 12:21 on a clock symbolizes?

When we see two numbers mirrored on a digital clock, as in the case of 12:21, we call this reversed mirror hour. To get the precise meaning of this hour, we will break it down into two parts – into hours and minutes.

Thus, the 12th hour of the day symbolizes a turning point. Just as noon marks the end of the morning and the beginning of the second part of the day, this hour also indicates some changes that will happen to you whether you want it or not.

On the other hand, the 21st minute of the 12th hour of the day is a sign that you need to be patient because this is the only way to achieve what you dream about.

Inverted mirror hour 12:21 and love

The reversed mirror hour 12:21 may be a sign that you have consciously renounced love. It is possible that you have had bad experiences and therefore decided to devote yourself to other things, work, friends, hobbies, etc.

You probably think that this is the best idea and that it will bring you peace in the long run, however, you are wrong. Only beasts and God need no one!

For married women

If a married woman sees 12:21, it implies that she is not in the marriage for love.

You probably loved your husband once and married him for that reason, however, over the years love has ceased, and habit, friendship, or interest has remained.

It’s okay if this is a matter of choice, but it’s not okay if you didn’t want this, but such a relationship was imposed on you.

Maybe you gave up too early and agreed to a life where tenderness and attention are things that are not even talked about, let alone emotions that can be felt.

It is not excluded that you will change your mind in the future and start trying harder to be loved and happy.

For unmarried women

If an unmarried woman sees 12:21 on the clock, it means that an aversion to this feeling has developed from previous love disappointments. It is possible that you have stopped believing in sincere feelings because someone hurt you.

You are skeptical, not only when it comes to emotional, but also friendly relationships. You let new people into your life with difficulty, and before you allow them to know only a small part of you, they have to pass very strict tests of honesty and loyalty.

You have convinced yourself that this is correct, but in fact, you are taking the path of least resistance because you are afraid of new disappointment and suffering.

For married men

When a man who is in a relationship or married sees 12:21 on the clock, this could be a sign that he has put work first and everything else is taken for granted.

Indeed, you dedicate a lot of attention and time to what you do. This leaves you very little energy and will to deal with your wife, marriage, children, family, and friends.

You think you have set your priorities correctly and that your current actions will make your future easier.

However, be sure that in old age you would be much more pleased with the memory of beautiful moments with loved ones, than any professional success you might have achieved.

For unmarried men

If an unmarried man sees 12:21 on the clock, it symbolizes bitterness. It’s possible that a woman hurt or deceived you, and you began to generalize things and believe that every next woman would do the same. By doing this, you’re not hurting anyone else but yourself.

If you think you differ from your male friends, colleagues, or relatives, why do you think all women are the same? This kind of thinking can be forgiven in immature men, but not in people whose life experience is not so modest.

12:21 – Business

When you randomly notice this exact time, it can be a sign that you are quite ambitious. If you want something, it doesn’t matter to you how you get it.

However, on the way to success so far, you have burned many bridges and this could come back to haunt you at some point.

The fact that you do not tolerate authorities and that your pride does not allow you to sometimes admit that you are not right, cannot be good for your career.

It is necessary to find balance, i.e., to learn how to convince others of the correctness of your views, without appearing arrogant, haughty, and insensitive.

12:21 – Finance

If you have seen reversed mirror hour 12:21 on the clock, it is possible that your effort is undervalued, meaning that you are earning much less than you objectively deserve. Of course, most employers will try to pay their employees as little as possible while expecting quality and productivity.

Therefore, your boss will most likely not take the initiative to increase your salary; you will have to prompt them to do so.

There is no point in being upset that others earn more than you. Instead, you should focus your energy on finding ways to increase your own salary.

If you’re fairly certain that this won’t happen in the foreseeable future, start looking for another job.

12:21 – Health

For health, if you have seen 12:21, it symbolizes fatigue. You have probably been working a lot lately and had to face various challenges and problems.

This has exhausted you, which could easily lead to a decline in immunity and other health problems.

It is very important to find time and a way to rest. Nothing catastrophic will happen if you do nothing for two days. It is not healthy to put every duty or problem, and even other people, before yourself.

Perhaps you have accustomed your loved ones to being always available to them, but you should learn to sometimes say “I can’t”, “I don’t want to”, or “I won’t”.

12:21 in numerology

The sequence of numbers 1, 2, 2, 1 in numerology holds an important place and carries a special energy.

Number 1, in this case, is the base, the foundation on which new emotional or friendly relationships should be built, or the professional success you dream about.

On the other hand, number 2 symbolizes the need for stability, sentimentality, and patience, but also bitterness and vindictiveness.

If we add the numbers that make up the hours and the numbers that make up the minutes, we get the number 33.

This number symbolizes courage, optimism, and enthusiasm. It announces joy and the ambition to achieve great goals.

The numbers 1, 2, 2, and 1 symbolize the need to protect and help others, not only those you are close to but also those you do not know who are in some kind of trouble.

12:21 as an angel number

If you have recently often been seeing the number sequence 1221 among data, product prices, phone numbers, and similar, the angels are giving you strength and a huge dose of creativity to finish the tasks you have started, i.e., to solve the problems that have been bothering you for a long time.

Your curiosity could soon pay off multiple times. Namely, the information that you learned by chance many years ago or the skill you practiced, you will be able to use and you will be well paid for it. Only then will your loved ones realize that no knowledge a person possesses can be in vain.

The angels are suggesting through the number sequence 1, 2, 2, 1 that you give your maximum in whatever you are currently doing. The same applies to your emotional life. Make an effort to find your happiness, alone or with someone in a pair.

Symbolism of reversed mirror hour 12:21 in dreams

If you looked at the clock in your dream and saw that it was 21 minutes past 12, this could be an announcement of a very turbulent period in your life. You may encounter some unforeseen situations, and you will have to react wisely, but quickly.

This particularly applies to your professional life. You will probably face a problem that you could not foresee, and your result will not only depend on you but the entire team of people you work with.

It’s important to believe in yourself and your abilities, and that your decisions and moves are not the product of fear, but of analysis and consideration of possible consequences.

Additional significance of 12:21 on the clock

Although we have not been able to find that some very important event took place precisely at 12 hours and 21 minutes, the number 1221 has provided and continues to provide inspiration for the names of celestial bodies, buildings, and similar.

For example, “1221 Amor” is the name of an asteroid and a space object not far from Earth, with a diameter of approximately 1 kilometer.

“1221 Avenue of Americas” is a skyscraper at 1221 Sixth Avenue in the center of Manhattan, New York. “1221 Brickell Building” is the name of a tall tower in downtown Miami, Florida.

“Project 1221” was an Italian car company. It was established in 2001, and ceased operations in 2008.