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Mirror Hour 17:17 – Interpretation and Meaning Guide

    Mirror hour 17:17

    The mirror hour 17:17 could be a symbol of the “golden cage” for those in a relationship, and also a sign of beautiful moments for those who are currently single.

    Specifically, it’s possible that your partner’s behavior is suffocating and that their jealousy crosses boundaries.

    If you’ve been single for a while, it’s not ruled out that you will soon make contact with a person you like and start a relationship.

    From a business and financial aspect, 17:17 on the clock means that change will come if you are ready for new challenges and circumstances. If you remain trapped in a “vicious circle”, neither your salary nor your working conditions will significantly change.

    Meaning of the mirror hour 17:17

    When you see 17:17 on a digital clock or on the screen of an electronic device, it can have several different meanings. To start, we will explain the hours and minutes, as they carry somewhat contradictory symbolism in this constellation.

    The seventeenth hour of the day describes determination, responsibility, strength, courage, and ambition, while the seventeenth minute indicates a lack of patience, anger, poor emotional control, and the need to always be right.

    Considering that the numbers 1 and 7 are repeated twice in this mirror hour, it indicates that there is a struggle between good and evil within you, specifically between what you consider logical and rational, and the negativity that makes you frustrated and angry.

    You will have to strive for good to prevail in order to be happy and satisfied.

    17:17 – Love mirror hour

    If you saw that it’s 17 hours and 17 minutes on the clock, it could have different meanings depending on your current emotional status. People who are in a relationship or marriage are not very happy with the behavior of their loved ones.

    Those who are lonely and saw 17:17 on the clock could experience very nice moments with someone they’ve been fond of for a longer time.

    For married women

    When a married woman sees 17:17 on the clock, it implies that her partner’s behavior is troubling her. You might have previously enjoyed that he was a bit jealous of other people you spend time with, however, now you are bothered by the lack of freedom.

    You feel like a bird trapped in a cage and must be careful who you talk to and who you spend time with. An additional problem could be that your job requires communication with various people and your partner shows that he is bothered by it.

    You will have to have an honest conversation about this, to let him know that his behavior bothers you. If necessary, set an ultimatum, because the relationship you are building is not healthy for either of you, nor for your family.

    For unmarried women

    If an unmarried woman notices 17:17 on a digital clock, it means she should accept an invitation for coffee, a drink, or socialize with people she recently met, because among them will be a man who has been appealing to her for some time.

    This will be an opportunity to engage in conversation and get to know each other a little better. It is not excluded that a kiss will happen that will “sweep you off your feet”, and you will quickly realize that the chances of falling in love with him are quite high.

    For married men

    If a married man sees 17:17 on the clock, it implies that he has neglected his partner and that this will rebound on him sooner or later.

    You probably spend a lot of time at work and do not manage to dedicate yourself to the people who love you and whom you love. What your wife is complaining about is not just jealousy as you think, but it can also cause other consequences.

    If you love her and want your marriage to survive, you should not take all the criticisms she directs at you for granted. Both of you must agree to some compromises, not just her.

    For unmarried men

    When an unmarried man notices 17:17, it means he will manage to seduce a woman he likes. Perhaps she seemed uninterested or inaccessible, however, this attracted you even more to her.

    You rarely give up on what you want, so this time too, you will not give up without a fight. Over time, her inhibitions will loosen and she will give you a chance to get closer to her.

    It is possible that you will then “cool off” because there will no longer be the challenges you enjoyed while trying to win her over.

    17:17 – Business mirror hour

    A clock showing this specific time can be a sign that you are not satisfied with your income. You probably work a lot and think that you have earned a higher salary and other benefits.

    You are a very intelligent person and possess great knowledge, experience and skills, however, you do not function best in a team and therefore avoid such tasks.

    Given that you always strive to have the last word, you are not popular among colleagues and this reflects on the atmosphere in the workplace.

    There is nothing wrong with being an individual, however, today it is greatly appreciated if a person is ready for teamwork, i.e. to share their ideas with others.

    If you think you will not be able to advance at the job where you currently work, start looking for another job. Consider starting a private business, as this would fulfill your desire to be your own boss.

    17:17 – Financial mirror hour

    When it comes to finances, 17:17 on the clock announces improvement only if you are ready for changes, and if you dare to step out of your comfort zone. There’s no point in constantly lamenting your fate if you’re not able to change anything.

    It’s very important to be careful about where you spend your money. Lately, you have been spending on things that were not necessary for you.

    If you continue like this, bankruptcy is inevitable. However, if you decide to think more economically about the future, you will be able to avoid a bad scenario.

    17:17 – Health mirror hour

    When you see 17:17 on the clock, it implies that you should start changing your eating habits to be healthier, stronger, and more energetic. You will need to figure out which foods bother you, make you lack energy, and eliminate them from your diet.

    You should not avoid physical activities, but spend as much time as possible outdoors, walking, cycling, etc.

    If your obligations do not allow you to spend hours outside, start some form of recreation. This will help you stay healthy, and also relieve the stress that is present in large amounts every day.

    17:17 in numerology

    From a numerological aspect, the 17th hour of the day and the 17th minute of the hour represent a good sign. Thus, number 1 indicates determination, responsibility, strength, and courage, while the number 7 symbolizes wisdom and attractiveness.

    Given that these two numbers are repeated twice, it implies that some new energy will enter your life, and you will start to work specifically on what you want to change. Keep in mind that we are the creators of our own reality and much depends exclusively on us.

    If we add the numbers 17 and 17, we get the number 34, which also tells you to look into yourself in order to understand what you want and how to get it.

    17:17 as an angel number

    If you have often seen the series of digits 1 7 1 7 as parts of phone numbers, addresses, registration marks, or prices in stores, the angels are telling you that it’s time to start realizing your dreams, however, not at any cost.

    You should not take advantage of people who trust you and who love and respect you. If you “step over the bodies” at some point, you will realize that you have no one to celebrate your successes with.

    With the number 1717, angels are telling you that you must never forget that love is the driving force of many beautiful things, and that you should love others in order to be loved yourself.

    Mirror hour 17:17 in dreams

    If you’ve seen this specific time in a dream, this implies that you could experience a pleasant surprise in the near future.

    Perhaps you will be delighted by some news related to work or career. People who are currently unemployed could receive an interesting offer.

    On the other hand, it is not excluded that your partner, a family member, or a friend will make you happy with a nice gift. You will probably receive something you have long dreamed of, but couldn’t afford yourself.

    Additional significance of 17:17 on the clock

    Although we have not been able to find data that a very important event took place exactly at 17 hours and 17 minutes, in the year 1717, several turning points in history occurred.

    Thus, on August 17, 1717, the month-long siege of Belgrade ended. Austrian troops led by Prince Eugene of Savoy took over the city from the Ottoman Empire.

    The Spanish King Philip V ordered the closure of all universities in Catalonia on October 9, 1717.