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20:43 Overlapped Clock Hands – Meaning and Symbolism

    Clock hand overlapping @ 20:43

    When the clock hands overlap between the numbers 8 and 9, i.e., when you see that it’s 20 hours and 43 minutes, this ‘love hour’ foretells problems in love. Being at 43 minutes past 8 may mean that your partner’s patience is nearing its end and that this will impact your relationship going forward.

    For those who are currently not in a relationship or marriage, this ‘love hour’ may predict unpleasant events. Perhaps you will be courted by a married man or woman, or a person who is much younger or much older than you.

    If you intentionally looked at the clock and saw that it’s 20:43, this ‘love hour’ doesn’t count.

    What do overlapped clock hands at 20:43 mean spiritually?

    To get a precise interpretation of what it means when you see 43 minutes past 8 on the clock, we’ll break it down into four, or two elements. In this case, 2 symbolizes sensitivity, patience, and a need for stability. Zero is always a symbol of the beginning and the end, a closed or enchanted circle, or infinity.

    Number 4 describes decisiveness, honesty, fairness, loyalty to those you love, and stability, but also rigidity and skepticism, while number 3 indicates wit, optimism, creativity, and generosity.

    If you see the number 20 on the clock, it may mean you’ve become a slave to your own fear. It is possible that you are so scared of change that you’ve agreed to stay trapped in a situation that you do not like.

    43 minutes on the clock usually suggest that you should not be too strict with yourself or other people.

    Therefore, when you see 20:43 on the clock, it can be a sign that it’s time to overcome your fears, to realize that you are a person, not a machine, in order to get out of a situation that disturbs or frustrates you.

    20:43 – Love

    When the clock hands nearly overlap between the numbers 8 and 9, or when you see that 43 minutes past 8, this ‘love hour,’ unfortunately, is not a good sign, neither for those who are in a marriage or relationship nor for those who are currently alone.

    However, you should know that nothing is carved in stone and that some things can change when there is enough will, and determination, and when one tries to overcome fears.

    Since the interpretation can be different for those who are married and those who are not, a detailed analysis of this ‘love hour’ will depend on your current emotional state.

    For married women

    If a married woman sees that it’s 20:43 on the clock, it implies that her partner is on the edge of patience.

    You are persistently testing his tolerance for your behavior, and it’s only a matter of time before the situation escalates. It’s normal to tell him what bothers you, but you can do it without much drama, shouting, and aggression.

    If you want to solve the problems that are currently troubling you, take a pause, stop being angry, and listen to what your husband has to say. On the other hand, if you don’t start changing your approach, there’s a high chance that your husband will leave you.

    For unmarried women

    When an unmarried woman sees that it’s 43 minutes past 20, it means that she will find herself in an undesirable situation.

    It is possible that a man who is taken or much younger, or much older than you will court you at your workplace. It’s not excluded that it could be a business partner, colleague, or even your superior.

    You will try to find a simple and polite way to reject him. However, it is unlikely he will understand what you’re subtly indicating, so you’ll have to be more direct.

    Do not endure anything for the sake of your job and career, especially not inappropriate behavior from colleagues or partners.

    For married men

    If a married man sees 20:43 on the clock, it implies that he should not take his partner for granted, as her patience is very close to its end.

    She is not a given and should not be less important to you than your job, friends, relatives, or hobbies. Do not think that you can fit her into your schedule when it suits you, and when you do not want her by your side, that she should tolerate such a thing.

    If you continue to behave as before, it is quite certain that she will leave you in the near future.

    For unmarried men

    When an unmarried man sees that 43 minutes have passed from 20:00 on the clock, it means that he will receive an indecent proposal.

    You may even think about accepting it. However, if you think a little more about it, you will realize that it would not be wise to engage in such a thing.

    A secret affair with a married woman is not needed at this moment, even if you feel quite lonely.

    20:43 – Business

    When the clock hands overlap at 20:43, this can suggest positive changes in your career, i.e., in your professional life. You are a decisive, honest, and fair person, and although you sometimes think that people no longer appreciate these traits, you are wrong. You may not have made much progress because you are shy or because you are not pushy.

    If you are not satisfied with the conditions in which you work or with your salary or earnings, and you do not see the possibility that this will change in the foreseeable future, start looking for another job. Ideally, you would direct your potential and ideas toward starting a private business.

    20:43 – Financial

    If you see that 43 minutes have passed from 20:00 on the clock, it symbolizes gain.

    It is possible that your employer will recognize your effort and work, and decide to reward you with a raise or a one-time bonus. Another possibility is a gain in games of chance, and the third is inheritance.

    Either way, even a smaller amount will be welcome to recover from expenses, and also to afford yourself and your loved ones what you have been dreaming about for a long time.

    If you have recently started working, you will have to be patient and not expect to get rich overnight, i.e., to start earning as much as you need.

    20:43 – Health

    When the clock hands overlap at 20:43, it is a sign that you need to avoid stressful situations in order to preserve your mental and physical health. Fatigue, unhealthy diet, and bad habits can permanently jeopardize your metabolism.

    A weakened immune system makes you susceptible to viruses and colds.

    20:43 in numerology

    In order to get a more precise meaning of 20:43 from a numerological aspect, we will break it down into four, or two parts.

    The number 2 is a symbol of sensitivity and shyness, but also persuasiveness and vindictiveness. Zero always symbolizes the beginning and end, a closed circle, and infinity.

    The number 4 describes decisiveness, fairness, loyalty to close people, and rigidity, while 3 symbolizes optimism and creativity.

    When we consider the number 20 as a whole, it symbolizes the need for change. It is possible that you are aware that you need to step out of your comfort zone in order to progress. If you want a better future, you will need to make some radical decisions.

    Number 43 usually carries a message to be gentler to yourself, but also to other people.

    Therefore, the sequence of numbers 2, 0, 4, 3 can seem like a clash of extremes, a combination of incompatibilities, however, when you see 20:43 on the clock, it is a sign that you will solve the problem that currently troubles you if you are decisive, brave, and patient.

    20:43 as an angel number

    If you often see the series of digits 2043, such as part of phone numbers, addresses, prices, bills, and similar, the angels are sending you a message not to be afraid. You are known as a determined and strong individual, but currently, you are facing a problem that makes you nervous and frightened.

    You are aware that you need to make a significant decision, to make a drastic cut, however, give yourself time for it.

    It will not be easy for you to overcome the crisis that will follow, but in addition to the angels watching over you, you also have several people you can always rely on. You can find strength and comfort in family members and close friends.

    Meaning of overlapping clock hands at 20:43 in dreams

    If you dreamed that you looked at the clock and saw that it was 43 minutes past 20 hours, it implies that you will fight against injustice. You may be in a position to decide on someone’s fate with a group of people. The decision, which you will consider unfair and wrong, will be made by a majority vote.

    However, you won’t be able to do anything to prevent its adoption, but at least you will fight to ensure it never gets implemented.

    Another meaning of such a dream is that you should reconcile with a person with whom you have not been on good terms for a long time.

    Additional significance of 20:43 on the clock

    In the sources available to us, we did not find data indicating that a very important event occurred exactly at 20 hours and 43 minutes.