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08:43 – Symbolism and Meaning When Clock Hands Overlap

    Clock hand overlapping @ 20:43

    When you see that it has been 43 minutes past 8, or 20 hours, that love hour symbolizes jealousy. The clock hands are almost overlapping in this case, so the meaning can be different for people in a relationship or marriage and those who are single.

    Also, almost overlapping clock hands and the combination of numbers 0, 8, 4, and 3 can have different effects on your professional life, finances, and health.

    If you have deliberately looked at the clock and saw that it is 43 minutes past 8, or 20 hours, that love hour does not count.

    What does it mean to see overlapping clock hands at 08:43?

    To get the most precise interpretation of what it means when you see 08:43 on the clock, we have to break down these numbers into four digits.

    Number 8 symbolizes influential, creative, ambitious, and successful people who can be stubborn, impatient, and arrogant.

    Four is a sign of determination, honesty, and loyalty, but also of rigidity and skepticism. Number 3 indicates optimism, creativity, and humor. Zero symbolizes the end or the beginning, a closed circle, a new phase of life.

    What is common for digits 8, 4, and 3 is stubbornness and jealousy. In this sense, we can view 0 as an enchanted circle you have fallen into due to these two characteristics.

    08:43 – Love

    Considering that, when we see on the clock that it has been 43 minutes past 8, or 20 hours, the clock hands are very close to each other, we can also talk about overlapping clock hands, i.e., ‘the love hour’.

    Overlapping clock hands represent a love hour, but its interpretation can vary depending on whether you are currently single or in a relationship.

    For married women

    If a married woman sees 08:43 on the clock, this implies that she doubts her partner’s faithfulness. Perhaps you’ve noticed that he’s been acting very strangely lately.

    You’ve tried to talk about it, but he either didn’t want to or was quite indifferent to your attempts to resolve this issue.

    It’s possible he’s close to a woman at work, or it seems like he’s not listening to you while looking at his phone, so you thought he might be unfaithful.

    However, you shouldn’t accuse him of such major things, unless you have evidence that you’re right.

    Instead, show understanding and patience, because maybe he has a problem he hasn’t talked to you about, and it has nothing to do with another woman.

    Jealousy is a very dangerous thing and can deepen the gap between you, even leading to divorce.

    For unmarried women

    When an unmarried woman sees that it has been 43 minutes past 8 o’clock, it is possible that you envy someone for something.

    Likely, your friend or acquaintance possesses what you dream of. It could be a good job, a decent income, or a nice relationship with a loved one.

    Instead of poisoning yourself with such negative emotions, you should look up to him or her, and strive to achieve what you want.

    For married men

    If a married man sees 08:43 on the clock, this could announce a major argument with the partner. You’ve had a communication problem for a long time due to which she has almost withdrawn into herself.

    You don’t know what she’s thinking, and that’s beginning to worry you. Try to remember what you’ve discussed earlier and what she blamed you for, to understand what is bothering her.

    Your possessiveness could be a big problem in the relationship. Maybe she needs space to breathe, and spending time with others doesn’t mean she doesn’t love you or intends to cheat or hurt you.

    Lack of trust leads to discord, keep that in mind if you want to improve your relationship.

    For unmarried men

    If an unmarried man sees on the clock that it has been 43 minutes past 8, or 20 hours, it is possible that the woman he likes will show interest in his friend or acquaintance.

    You’ve probably tried to win her over, but you weren’t persistent enough. Reconcile with the defeat and look to the future.

    You might find your soulmate very soon, but only if you don’t remain bitter about previous bad experiences.

    08:43 – Business

    When the hands on the clock are this close to each other and indicate 08:43, it means you’re a very ambitious person.

    You’re a responsible and hardworking individual, striving to carry out every task your employer sets before you in the best possible way.

    You dislike injustice and thus get upset when others take credit for the work you’ve successfully completed. Such experiences have made you a serious, even skeptical, and rigid person.

    Your integrity in today’s value system has been overlooked, so you’ll have to adapt to new circumstances and fight harder for yourself.

    Huge knowledge, experience, and potential, combined with the creativity that characterizes you, can bring you great success, but it’s important to assert yourself to those on whom it currently depends.

    Over time, you might find yourself in a situation where everything depends solely on you, but until then, you need to be patient and very persistent.

    08:43 – Financial

    If the clock hands show that 43 minutes past 8, unfortunately, in a financial sense, this is not a good sign. This hour suggests that you work a lot, but your income does not match the effort you put into your job.

    Your employer might not show an intention to increase your salary. If you’re convinced that this won’t change in the near future, start looking for another job.

    It wouldn’t be a bad idea to present a long-pondered idea to people with money and influence who could help you put it into action, thereby earning money for both you and them.

    08:43 – Health

    If you’ve seen that the clock shows 20 hours and 43 minutes, this symbolizes fatigue, stress, and nervousness.

    It’s possible that you’ve had many responsibilities recently and had to face various challenges and problems. This has drained you and your body is craving for rest.

    You probably think that a break would be a luxury right now, however, you should know that the whole world won’t collapse if you take a few days off.

    On the other hand, if you don’t “put the brakes on”, nervousness could evolve into anxiety and then depression, thereby threatening your mental and physical health.

    Nothing is worth more than you; it’s important to remember this to avoid regretting your current way of thinking in the future.

    08:43 in numerology

    The meaning of 08:43 in numerology can represent a lot. For a more detailed and precise meaning, we will break this hour down into four segments, or four digits that represent it.

    Zero always represents a closed circle, end and beginning, often both. It can herald a new phase in your life, the end of a stressful period, and progress in work.

    The number 8 symbolizes influential, ambitious, creative, strong, and successful people, who can also be ruthless, stubborn, and even arrogant if they deem it necessary. In love disputes, they are quite haughty, knowing how to find a partner’s “weak spot” and press it.

    Four signifies determination, fairness, persistence, and loyalty, but also stubbornness and skepticism. People born under the sign number 4 are very serious workers who often put their job before love, which is why they don’t have much luck in that area.

    On the other hand, the number 3 symbolizes creativity, optimism, and generosity, but also hypersensitivity. It points to people who prefer talking over listening. It describes individuals craving for attention.

    In short, the series of numbers 0, 8, 4, and 3, as you can see, can symbolize a “clash of worlds” within a person. One thing, however, is certain – stability, strength, and seriousness combined with creativity are a good combination in a business sense, but jealousy negatively affects personal relationships.

    08:43 as an angel number

    If you’ve frequently seen the combination of numbers 0, 8, 4, and 3 in your waking life and dreams, that’s definitely your angel number.

    Angels are trying to particularly point out this zero, which may indicate a vicious circle you need to break out of or will soon break out of.

    Simply put, you need to start changing, not only to be happier and more fulfilled on an emotional level but also to be more successful in what you’re currently doing.

    Don’t go “head first into a wall”, but be patient, wise, and persistent, and some pieces will finally fall into place as you wish.

    Meaning of overlapped clock hands on 08:43 in dreams

    The interpretation of dreams in which you see that 43 minutes past 8 can vary. It’s rare that you’ll dream the same numbers on the clock multiple times, however, if this has happened with 08:43 the message is clear – you must not suffocate those you love or doubt them.

    For your job, this has a very clear meaning: your effort, knowledge, or work is in vain if you cannot assert yourself to those who should reward you accordingly.

    Additional significance of 08:43 on the clock

    In the sources available to us, we did not find any significant events that happened exactly at 8 hours and 43 minutes.