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Mirror Hour 21:21 – Meaning and Interpretation

    Mirror hour 21:21

    The mirror hour 21:21 announces a nice surprise and pleasant moments with a loved one or a crush. Perhaps you’ll go to a romantic dinner, a trip, or a journey that you’ll remember for a long time.

    If you are in a long relationship or marriage, it will help you to bring back the passion that almost disappeared due to obligations and lack of time to devote to each other.

    When it comes to work, finances, and health, this specific time announces progress, improvement of the situation, and healing.

    If you intentionally looked at the clock and saw that it was 21:21, that mirror hour doesn’t count.

    What does it mean to see mirrored hour 21:21?

    The shortest interpretation of the mirror hour 21:21 is that you will solve a problem that has long bothered you, or that you will complete a project into which you had to invest a lot of energy, effort, and time.

    To get the most detailed meaning of the hour, we will break it down into segments, into hours and minutes, i.e., into individual digits.

    So, the number 2 symbolizes your gentle side, sensibility, shyness, and empathy. The number 1 is always a sign of decisiveness, responsibility, strength, and courage.

    Therefore, when 2 and 1 stand together, it’s a great sign, a symbol of harmony between what you want, what you need, and what you are ready to achieve.

    Considering that the number 21 repeats, you can hope that what currently bothers you will soon end, i.e., be resolved in the best possible way.

    The twenty-first hour of the day and its 21st minute, as you know, are very close to midnight, close to a new day, so they can be a sign that it’s not the time to start new businesses now, but to put them aside for some time when conditions will be much more favorable.

    21:21 – Love symbolism

    When you see 21:21 on any clock, it’s a good sign for your love life, regardless of whether you are currently in a relationship or single. These nighttime hours announce romance, passion, and joy.

    Perhaps after a long time, you will once again feel all the charms of love, attention, and tenderness. If you’ve been single for a long time, you’ll remember what it means when someone completely enjoys you and you in them.

    For married women

    If a married woman sees 21:21 on the clock, it announces changes in her relationship with her partner. It’s possible that you’ve drifted apart due to obligations you have at work, with parents, children, and friends. You meet in passing and often don’t have the strength for long conversations and exchanges of tenderness.

    However, your partner will realize that he misses you, and he will try to surprise you with a dinner or a trip to another city, where you can spend some time alone and enjoy each other.

    This will help you to reconnect on all levels, from mental to sexual, and it will strengthen your marriage and family. Doubts that you may have had will disappear, and understanding and trust will prevail between you.

    For unmarried women

    For women who are not in a relationship or marriage, 21:21 on the clock can be an announcement of some interesting events. It’s possible that a man on whom you feel a crush will finally decide to make the first move.

    He’ll invite you for a coffee, a drink, or dinner, and make you feel special. Perhaps after a long time, you will feel butterflies in your stomach again.

    However, you won’t let him into your life immediately, as your innate skepticism or memories of bad experiences from the past won’t allow it. This will only be an additional challenge for him to show you that he deserves your attention, time, and even love.

    They certainly won’t give up on you that easily.

    For married men

    If a married man sees 21:21 on the clock, this implies that his partner will surprise him with a nice gesture. Maybe she will prepare a meal you like just for you, or she will delight you with a sexy outfit.

    She will surprise you when she shows initiative for a change in bed, and you won’t be able to resist her.

    Intimate moments will help you reconnect. You will realize how much you missed each other and both will promise that you will no longer neglect your relationship and marriage because of other things.

    It is possible that both of you will have a little more time than before to devote to family and friends, and you will enjoy this relaxed atmosphere.

    For unmarried men

    If an unmarried man sees 21:21 on the clock, it is possible that he will start a secret relationship with a woman he has liked for a long time. The fact that you will be hiding from others will present a great challenge and make your relationship tense and very passionate.

    The reasons why you decided to hide your relationship can be numerous, from the fact that she is already in a relationship or marriage, to the fact that you are afraid of the reaction of the environment to your relationship.

    You will balance between devoting yourself to her and socializing with friends, family and professional obligations. However, just the thought of her will help you to more easily deal with all other challenges and obstacles that arise during the day.

    21:21 – Business symbolism

    When you see 21:21 on the clock, this may announce professional progress. This is especially relevant for people who have been looking for a job for a long time.

    It is possible that you will soon receive a very attractive job offer, and you will like the working conditions, the salary, as well as the attitude the potential employer has toward you.

    If you have been working in a company for a long time and have not yet advanced, the reason may be that you can’t stand authorities. You probably have great self-confidence which is not unfounded, so you can’t listen to the orders of people who know less about the job than you.

    In order to advance, you will have to adapt to the situation. This does not mean that you should lose your attitude and opinion, but only that you should try not to conflict with others in order to “get your way”.

    21:21 – Financial symbolism

    When the clock shows 21 hours and 21 minutes this represents good news for finances, especially if you are currently facing a major crisis, i.e. if your expenses significantly exceed your income.

    The situation will change in the near future, and you will get the opportunity to earn much more than before.

    No matter how much your salary is, you must learn how to properly manage what you have. Many of us love to spend money on ourselves, on clothes, shoes, cosmetics, and the latest technology products, however, you should differentiate between what is really needed and what can be considered a whim.

    21:21 – Health symbolism

    If you’ve seen 21:21 on the clock, it means that you should beware of stressful situations. Indeed, lately, you’ve been quite nervous because some obligations and problems have piled up. However, stress could seriously harm your physical and mental health.

    It would be desirable if you could sleep a little longer and rest more. In addition, vices like alcohol and cigarettes significantly affect the quality of your life and, of course, the state of your wallet.

    21:21 in numerology

    The sequence of numbers 2, 1, 2, 1 in numerology holds special significance. As you know, number 1 symbolizes uniqueness, determination, strength, courage, and leadership, while number 2 represents your softer side – sensitivity, shyness, and even offensiveness.

    When these numbers combine into figure 21, we get a perfect harmony – a person who knows what they want and how to get it, but also someone who, on the path to success, doesn’t harm others and always prioritizes love, family, and non-material values.

    Since 21 in this mirror hour repeats twice, you can be calm. No circumstances will prevent you from achieving what you want, or make you lose what distinguishes you as a human being.

    The sum of hours and minutes is 42. This is a number that symbolizes harmony, stability, and peace. As you can conclude for yourself, 21:21 on the clock, from a numerological aspect, has a very favorable meaning.

    21:21 as an angel number

    If you’ve often seen the sequence of numbers 2121 in everyday life, as parts of addresses, phone numbers, license plates, prices, and the like, the angels are telling you that there is no reason to fear. You might be at a crossroads and are afraid of change, i.e., what consequences your decisions or moves will cause.

    However, you can be calm because the angels are protecting you and will not allow you to face a challenge you can’t overcome. It is very important to believe in yourself and to love yourself. Perhaps now is the right time for you to become the center of your personal cosmos, not all other people.

    Mirror hour 21:21 in dreams

    If you dreamed that you looked at the clock and saw this exact time on a clock, that’s a good sign.

    Such dreams announce beautiful moments in reality, both in love and on a professional level. If you’re worried about someone or something, you will soon be able to breathe easily and rest.

    For people who have been without a romantic partner for a long time, such dreams announce new love. Don’t miss the chance to enrich your life with new experiences.

    Additional significance of 21:21 on the clock

    In the sources available to us, we haven’t been able to find data that something very significant happened exactly at 21 minutes past 21 hours of the day. However, there are several interesting things related to the number 2121.

    “2121 Sevastopol” is an asteroid and a synchronous system from the inner regions of the asteroid belt, approximately 10 kilometers in diameter. A museum in Japan that was opened in 2007 is called “21_21 Design Sight”.